"---By the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all Speak the same Thing, and that there be no Divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same Mind and in the same Judgement. " ( 1 Corinthians 1 : 14 )
I want to start this article off by saying, this Ministry is not against Churches that Teach, Disciple, and Evangelize with the Gospel of Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ and the Word of God from the Holy Bible. In other words, a Bible believing Church and not a Man believing Church. We believe in the gathering together with other believers and Worshiping God and having the Fellowship that comes with it. A place where you can Learn and Pray with others. If you are looking for a Church, Try to find one that cares about reaching out to all people, not just a certain Race or Financial Status. A Church that is Prejudice against one Race or another is not following Christ and they need to Repent and change their hearts and make things better. " God that made the World and all things in it, seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth,---- And made of ONE BLOOD all Nations of men to dwell on all the face of the Earth." ( Acts 17 : 24 - 26 ) It seems to me that if you believe the word of God, this verse tell us that Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Mixtures are all of one Blood. But of course you knew that from Adam and Eve and also Noahs family. Try explaining that to the K.K.K. Also look for one that reaches out to the poor and homeless, the widows, the neglected and abused children, and anyone needing the Love for Christ in their lives. Isn't that what Jesus would do? Of course it is. We believe if you call yourself a Christian, we will know you by your Fruit.
When you look around, you see all kinds of Churches with all kinds of names and some with different Doctrines. So which one is Right? That is a good question because there are a lot of denominations in this world. But it did not start that way. The First Christians were of course, the followers of Jesus Christ, and none of them had ever heard of Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, or any other denomination you hear of today. They just knew Jesus, and no matter what church you go to, Jesus is all you need to follow. No matter where you attend Church, if someone asks you what you are, you should say, I'm a Christian. But most people say their Denomination. I once heard a statement I believe is True if you get caught up in Religious Denominations. It is;
" Denominations create Divisions. "
It was not mean't to be that way however, and Paul talked about it. Here is what he said. The first statement is above at the top of this page. He said that there be No Divisions among you, and as you read on through the verses, you will see that some of the people were starting to have different ideas in their beliefs. Most of the differences today are because one person doesn't like the way someone else interprets the scripture so they go and start their own denomination. But Paul goes on to say, " Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by Good Words and Fair Speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. " ( Romans 16 : 17 - 18 )
I think one way to figure it out is, if it isn't in the Bible, Don't believe it, because it is probably a man's opinion and not God's. The Bible is the only Doctrine you can Trust and Believe in, not man's opinion. It would be a very long and lengthy cause to share all the differences in the Religions and Denominations that are in the World today. The only thing that matters is, are you and your Church of choice following Jesus Christ? Do you do the things described above? Does your church have a mixture of all people, White, Black, Rich, Poor? Are you a servant to the Lord by serving others? Is your Church a place for Salvation, Worship, and Prayer or a great and perfect Entertainment Program that glorifies men instead of God? These are questions that all of us should ask ourselves and answer Truthfully, because God looks at what is in your heart and he knows whether or not you are following his Son Jesus. Now is the time to start doing it right between you and God, not you and mankind.
We would like to hear from you about this subject or any article in this site. If you have Questions about a particular Denomination or Religion, please let us know and we will do our best to answer them, and give as much information as possible to you. I have known people who have had terrible and embarrasing situations with some denominations that almost destroyed their faith in the Lord, and it is our goal that maybe we have shined a Light on your path that will help prevent that.
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May God Bless
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