It seems that Gay Marriages have taken center stage in the media these days. You hear about people going to one state to be unholy joined and another state fighting it out in the the courts to ban these unions. And so this Ministry once again will take it's stand that Marriage is between One Man and One Woman, which is the way God intended it to be. However, I will also state that even though Homosexuality is a sin, it can be forgiven, if the person involved will turn from it and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ, who Died for all our sins. Everyone who sins, needs Help, and the only way we can help, is to always show the Love for Christ that is alive in every True Believer, to everyone we meet. It is not always easy to do because some things are very offensive to God and us. But since God Loves us, and is patient and does'nt want anyone to perish, then we as Christians must persue his heart and try to do the same. We must always share the Love of God through his Word, which is TRUTH and LIGHT in a world full of darkness and evil.
Everything about the Gay Unions goes against Nature and the Holy Word of God. Even if the Bible didn't have verses against it, it is still unnatural in every since of the word. There is no way That a Man can mate with another Man, and expect to reproduce anything; EXCEPT some form of DISEASE that science has a hard time finding a cure for. Now folks that may sound mean, but it is the TRUTH. Nothing good can come from such a Union. And the same holds True for the Women. Both are Not Productive as far as Nature, and the Word of God goes. How long do you think any species would last if all the creatures became Homosexual. It won't last long, and soon it would Die off completely. That is one reason why it is wrong. The other reason it's wrong is because God said it is, and I think He knows what He is talking about. I certainly have my doubts about anything Man might say. I truly believe that mankind is headed for big time trouble, and I feel it is the duty of all Christians to stand up and proclaim the Word of God with one Loud Voice, so the whole world would hear the Cry of Warning coming from the Father in Heaven who's WRATH is being held back from this world only by His Love and Patience for one more to come to salvation. But I think time is running out, because of the things I see happening around the world. It saddens me to think about all those who would not hear the Truth and wind up in total Separation from God for all Eternity. That is what Hell is and I think that would be unbearable, not to mention the horrible pain that goes along with it. Please see the article on HELL for more possible insight on the subject.
This article is shorter than usual because it ties in so close to the article on Homosexuality. If you have not read it , please do. The same Scriptures in it apply to this subject. I strongly encourage anyone to read and discover more of Gods Word on these and other subjects as well. I promise, The Word of God has all the answers you will ever need and He can fill your heart with a Peace and Joy that can't be found anywhere else. I would say to those trapped in a world so far from God, That you can be saved, there is Real Hope and Real Love. Thats why everybody calls it the GOOD NEWS. If we Trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we can become a new Person in Christ. No longer bound by the destruction of our sins. Now is the time, Today is the day , for Salvation. Don't put it off, not for one more minute. Right now, begin again with a clean slate before God. He loves you so much, that He came to this earth to DIE FOR YOU. He paid the price for all your sins and made a way for you to be with him, If you only believe. And there is no better time than right now. If you have heard His Voice pulling at your heart, then why not give him a chance. After all, think of what he did for you. Just close your eyes and call out to him. Tell him your sorry for the things you have done and ask for his forgiveness. Ask Him to come into your Heart and be Lord of your Life, and that you want to change. And you know what? If you do that from your heart and really mean it, He will do it, and you will have begun the most wonderful relationship you will ever know. And I know you probably won't hear them, But all the Angels in Heaven will be rejoicing as they write your name in the book of Life.
And all I can say if you do repent and ask Him into your life, is, WELCOME HOME !!!!!
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