Part 1
" Before I formed
you in the belly, I knew you,
You are fearfully and wonderfully made."
( Part 1 ) ( Part 2 ) ( Part 3 )
At Love for Christ Ministry, we want you to know, that no matter what reason you are reading this article, that God Loves you and we Love you. You might be curious, or maybe thinking about an Abortion, or maybe you have already had one. Whatever it is, PLEASE READ the entire subject presented here because the purpose of this article is to Educate, Inform, share the Truth and Facts about Abortion, and offer HOPE and Answers to all who seek it. We do not care how controversial it is , or whether it is politically correct or not. We are about sharing the Truth and that includes both sides of the subject even if it exposes the Terrible, Ugly and in our opinion, the Evil side of this matter. As you know, there are those that do not want you to know the Truth and they have decieved the public long enough. We will not hide anything from anyone. But we Must WARN you.
The Pictures in Part 2 of this Article are very Graphic , and are not be suitable for young viewers, in our Opinion. They are actual photo's of Aborted Babies. Parental Discretion is STRONGLY Advised. A guide line for Parents might be that only Children becoming of puberty age or older should be made aware of this matter and the consequences of sexual activity before Marriage and responsible preparation for raising Children of their own. We wish to uncover the Lies and Deceptions that have been told to the people of the world on this subject, and pray that the Knowledge of the Truth might change some hearts and minds. Whatever the outcome is, we would like to hear from you. If you have Questions, Comments, or need Prayer, Please contact us Above. We Hope and Pray the Truth will be a Light to your path, and give the answers you seek.
Special Thanks
We wish to thank Westside Pregnancy Resource Center for the Wonderful Pictures of Baby Developement In Part 1 of this Article. If you would like more information on Pregnancy and other Related Subjects, Please Contact them at the Web Site. Excellent Information and Articles there are very Helpful and Educational.
Click on
NOTE: ( We are not Medical Doctors and the content of this Article is for Educational and Informational purposes Only and is not intended to be a substitute for Professional Medical advice, Diagnosis,or Medical Treatment. Please consult your Physician for any Medical advice or Procedure. )
As most everyone knows, Abortion, is a proceedure performed in clinics all around the world, where a pre-born baby in the mothers womb is destroyed and removed, to terminate the pregnancy. This has been done when the pregnancy is only a few weeks along, all the way to the baby being born, better known as the Partial Birth Abortion. The only part of the baby not born, is his or her head. I explain more on this in detail, in Part 2. Here are some of the statistics about Abortion. More information is available through the C.D.C. and other sources on the Web.
Number of Abortions = Approx. 56 Million
Number of Abortions per Day = Approx. 126,000
United States
Number of Abortions in 2000 alone, was reported at over 857,000.
Almost 4,000 Babies a Day.
To put this in perspective, that is more Deaths than all the wars put together have produced. And this is just since Abortions were legalized in 1973.
Lies & Deceptions
One of the Lies that the people are being told, is that the Embryo is nothing more than a glob of tissue, and is not a child yet, and that no harm comes to the mother in most cases. It seems like the perfect way out of a Pregnancy that wasn't planned on. Abortion really is just another Convenient Form of Contraception to stop an unwanted Pregnancy. In the very early days, before it was legal to get an Abortion, I remember hearing about women who were getting Abortions in alleys and other unclean places, by people who were non- professionals using coat hangers and the like to perform the procedure. It was said that Thousands and Thousands of women were having it done, and a lot were dying from it. And I for one believed it. First of all, There was not Thousands doing it, only a hand full of women had done this, and yes, some did die from it. That was a big Lie that was told to try to get abortion legalized, and as you know, it was made legal and clinics opened up everywhere.
Now, we could have all the FREE SEX we wanted without the problems of having unwanted children, responsibility, being tied down and stuff. If the contraception didn't work, then the Abortion Clinics and Doctors could make even More Money on other peoples Problems. You remember the 70s, don't you? Well if you don't, that was the way it was. It had become a standard and common thing to do throughout the world. Boys and Girls, Men and Women, married or not, could now fix the inconvenient pregnacy so it wouldn't interfere with their Life Style. And it is still that way today. Universities and high school campuses are rampant with sexual intercourse activity among students and they don't seem to care what can happen. Some professors advocate and teach that sexual intercourse, homosexuality and other forms of sexual pleasure is fine.
Abortion is called Pro-Choice, Because women should have the right to choose,whether to have a baby or not. After all, it is her body, you know. That sounds familiar, Does'nt it? The one problem with that is, it's not her body being killed. One side of the Issue is known as Pro-Life, and we think pro-choice should be called Pro-Death. You will see why in Part 2. We believe that even if you STILL do not want your Baby after you see all of this article, ADOPTION is a very real option and better than Abortion by far. There are folks willing to help, if you will only seek it.
Abortions do have consequences that not only destroy a life, but also effect women and men in ways that are not mentioned at clinics. Becoming infertile, having deep emotional depression, and pain are just a few of the after effects of an Abortion. Believe me, it will bring pain, guilt, shame and much more, when you realize what has taken place. But there is HOPE and FORGIVNESS, for those who seek it.
Well, lets look and see if it's true, that it's just a glob of tissue and is in no way a human child. The following pictures are what would happen if an Abortion does not take place, and Life is allowed to continue.
1 Month
In one month from conception, a lot of things are taking place. The Embryo is only one/sixth of an inch long, but is growing quickly. The Heart has been beating since day 18, when you're just 4 days late for your menstrual period, and by day 21, it is pumping blood through it's Own Circulatory System, and has a Blood Type different than yours. Four weeks after conception, the Eyes, Ears, and Respiratory Systems begin to form. From the very moment the Human Sperm and Human Egg join in your fallopian tubes, A Human Being begins to form.
2 Months
By 8 weeks, the Baby is 1/2 inch. The Major Muscle System developes and the baby moves about, even though you can't feel it yet. This tiny Baby is perfectly developed and has long Tapering Fingers, Feet and Toes, and Skin so clear, you can see delicate Veins and Arteries, out to the finger tips. By 10 weeks, the Baby Squints, Swallows, Moves it's Tongue, and the Toes will really develope in the next few days and Brain Waves can be Measured.
3 Months
Your Baby is now in the Fetal stage and is 2-1/2 to 3 inches long. Fully formed, the Heart Rate can be heard with a special instrument called a Doppler. Here is a special note; The body of the Unborn Baby is Unique in itself as it has some extra parts that are only needed in while in the mother. The Amniotic Sac, which is it's very own space capsule, - the Umbilical Cord, that is the lifeline, - and the Placenta, the Baby's own Root system. These all belong to the Baby and not to the mother. They are all developed from the Baby's original Cell.
4 Months
Your Baby is coated with soft hair called Lanugo, and is about 7 " in length. Fine Hair, Eyelashes, and Fingerprints are complete.
5 Months
By 20 weeks, your Baby will be about One Pound in weight. And what is so marvelous is the Baby can Hear and even Recognize the mothers voice. - Your Voice! The Baby will be moving more and you will feel more, and using an ultrasound device, the Doctor can tell if it is a Boy or a Girl.
6 Months
The Baby's Skin is now covered by a waxy substance called Vernix. The Eyes are beginning to part and open. Occassionally, for short periods of time, Hiccups are not uncommon.
7 Months
Your Baby is now about 3 pounds and 15" long. The body's Vital Organs are still developing to maturity and the taste buds have developed. The Baby's have been known to react suddenly if you expose your belly to a bright light.
8 Months
Growth and Weight Gain is very rapid this month. The Baby will weigh about 5 or 6 pounds and all the organs are developed except the lungs. But when the Baby kicks, you will not only feel it, you can readily see the movement on the outside.
9 Months
Your Baby is almost ready to be born as it will settle down low in your abdomen, in preparation for birth, and might not move as much. The Lungs are ready to breath and your Baby will be about 7 or 8 pounds and ready for LIFE. Soon you will see your Baby face to face.
Special Thanks to Westside Pregnancy Resource Center for the Great Photos ABOVE.
You may Contact them at their Web Site;
NOT Suitable for Young Viewers
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