" It came to pass that the rich man died---and in Hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, ---he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Luke 16 : 22 - 24
Does it
Exist? What is it Like ?
I can only address these questions and many others like them based only on what the bible says about it, and possible inject some of my own opinions and conclusions. I have never been there but I believe it exists because the Word of God say's it does. I don't know exactly what it is like because as best as I try to describe it in this article, I don't believe our minds can comprehend the True Horror of it in reality. I know for sure though, I Don't Want to Take the Chance and Find Out what it is like and I don't think you will either after reading this article. By the way, The devil satan and his demons have nothing to do with the torment that takes place in Hell. I will explain this later and give the truth about that subject.
It seems that you don't hear very much about the subject Hell any more. It is almost like it is being kept quiet in our churches and sunday schools because no one wants to talk about it or listen to a Pastor talk about it. Anyone who has read any of my articles will know what I believe about being silent and the battle we fight, against the enemy of GOD. You can hear the word used a lot in sentences from people who really don't understand what they are talking about. It is used to express anger, make jokes, or say the word as part of someones common vocabulary.
The worst phrases I believe anyone can say to another person is; " To Hell with You, Go to Hell, or I'll be with all my Friends in Hell. " Anytime you hear someone say any one of these statements, they have no idea what they are saying or even talking about. It could be that in order for a person to say that, might mean they really don't believe Hell really exists or they don't understand just how Horrible and Terrible Hell is going to be for those that wind up there. So the purpose of this article is to present what we know from the Bible about Hell and give some insight to what it might be like. I say might because I believe that no matter how hard we try to grasp it, our minds cannot begin to imagine the Horror and Unbelievable Terror that a place called Hell is made up of. From what I know and believe, I would not wish it on anyone. After all, This is what becoming a Christian is all about. Being saved from the Wrath of God and not going to a place called Hell, but having eternal life in Heaven and God's Love, and sharing the Good News on how to be saved with everyone we meet. The word FOREVER takes on a special meaning in this article. Everyone is going to live somewhere forever after they die. The question is, where? Heaven or Hell? Or better yet, Eternal Life or Eternal Torment? I agree with the Bible; Choose Life. But lets look at Forever for a moment. I once heard a good example of what Forever is, if you can grasp it.
If you took a Mountain of solid Granite, 10,000 ft. tall, and a bird with a silk cloth held in his feet, would fly over it once every 1,000 yrs. and not die, and drag the cloth over the top of the mountain; When the mountain would be worn down to the bottom from the silk cloth being dragged over it once every 1,000 yrs.; You will not have finished the first second of Eternity.
Lets begin the journey by starting with the only True Source of Information in the world;
"And the Smoke of their Torment ascends up forever and ever; And they have no Rest Day or Night "
Rev. 14 : 11
" And cast him into the Bottomless Pit "
Rev. 20 : 3
" Shall be cast into outer Darkness: there shall be Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth "
Matt. 8 : 12
" Where thier Worm does not die, and the Fire is not Quenched "
Mark 9 : 44
These four verses plus the one at the top of the article are only a few of the many verses describing this place called Hell. But if we take a deep look into what they say, we will find that it is more than enough to realize it is a terrible place. I have heard it said that it is Hell on earth. Well, I know it can be very difficult at times but it is not Hell. However, the Pain and Suffering that takes place everyday may be just a taste of what hell is like, and a reminder of the pain that sin brings to all mankind. Though we all will suffer pain, sorrow and even Death on this Earth, we do not have to do that for eternity.
Jesus made a way for us to escape Hell and eternal torment, and go live with him in Heaven. I hope that after you have read the rest of this article, you will be stirred for a close relationship with the Lord and also feel a strong compassion for the people that are headed in the direction of Hell and try to help them come back to God and eternal Life. God does not want any of us to perish and that is why He sent Jesus to earth. To give his Life on the Cross so that you and I could be forgiven and escape the Horrors of Hell below.
Have you ever burned your hand or a part of your body and the pain was almost to much to bear and it would not stop hurting or throbbing no matter how much you scream, cry or yell cuss words. Then after a few minutes a blister will rise and is very sensitive, uncomfortable, and painful to touch. Now imagine that same Pain and Anguish intensified over your entire Body. The flesh burning and falling away, over and over and over again non-stop. No matter how loud you scream, it doesn't stop. Your in a constant state of Death and cannot die or get relief anywhere.The first instant you step into eternity in Hell, an overwhelming blast of pain racks your body and your mind instantly wants to explode and die, but you cannot. You cry and scream and fight until you are exhausted, but you cannot rest day or night. the pain is so intense. But maybe after a season of the torment you begin to accomodate the pain and you begin to think again and start developing a kind of Hope that you had while you were alive on earth. You might even think that if you ask Jesus now to forgive you and help you out of this place, he would hear your cry. But your cries just blend in with all the other screams and fade into eternity. You begin to realize you are suspended in darkness with nothing to touch or stand on, totally exhausted, in terrible pain, all alone, hopeless and completely and totally separated from GOD and His LOVE FOREVER.
That is HELL!
My friend, I hope this has given some insight as to what Hell might be like and why it is so important that we help all we can to bring people to the Lord before it's too late for them. I would not wish anyone to go to a place like this, Not even my worst enemy. I have heard people ask, Why does God send people to Hell? The answer is, He Doesn't. The people going to Hell, choose to go there by simply refusing to accept Jesus Christ as thier Savior and not Repenting of their Sins. It is a choice made by them, not God. God does not wish that any should perish.
Another question is, Then why did God create Hell in the First place? He created it for lucifer ( satan ), and the angels that followed him, But he wants us to accept Jesus and have eternal Life with him. It is our choice and if someone really wants to refuse the Gospel and God's Love, then they will join satan in Hell.
At the beginning of the article I said that satan and the demons would not have a part in the torment of the people there. I was always taught in Sunday school that if you went to hell, the devil and his demons would torture you and all kinds of things like that. Take a look at these verses and see what you think. These events take place after the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth.
"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. "
Rev. 20 : 10
This happens before the Great Judgement at the Throne of God for all sinners. At the end of the Judgement all evil will be done away with.
" And the sea gave up the dead which were in it and Death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
" And Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire and whosoever was not found in the book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. "
Rev. 20 : 13 - 15
That seems clear to me, that satan and his followers are in the lake of fire being tormented forever right along with the unsaved sinners and even Death and Hell are cast in. So Hell is a place of torment prior to the second death mentioned in verse 14. The Lake of Fire is the Ultimate End to all evil. According to this, Eternal Damnnation is everything evil being permenantly done away with, including Hell. Remember, anyone that goes to Hell, winds up in the Lake of Fire.
It could be that the Pain on earth is a sample of Hell, and The Pain of Hell is a candle, compared to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
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