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" There were Giants in the Earth in those Days "
( Genisis 6 : 4 )
This is perhaps my most favorite subject because I have always been fascinated by Dinosaurs and what it would have been like to see them alive. I suppose that is why Jurassic Park was such a big hit at the box office. The only problem with the Movie was, it was made from an evolutionists point of view, which I find along with many others, totally unproven and untrue. The Fossil Records of these Great Beasts show a completely different picture and that is what I will present in this article. The Facts presented here are not made up as is the theory of evolution. That is why it is called a Theory. It is not based on Scientific Facts, even though that is what the evolutionist would like you to believe. There is a lot more evidence for Creation than there is for evolution, and yet evolution is being taught as if it were fact and at the tax payers expense.
The Truth is, evolutionist will come up with anything, so they don't have to believe in or admit that God, the Creator, exists. It is absolutely impossible to present all the evidence for this in this article, but I will give you more than enough to prove my point and hopefully create new interest in our Creator instead of the foolish theory of a few men. When you finish this article, and maybe do some research for yourself, I believe you will see that it takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God.
Almost all of us have been taught in our public schools that Dinosaurs evolved and lived Millions of years ago. I will prove that is impossible and that Dinosaurs and Man lived together at the same time. Not only does the Bible say that, but the fossil record shows us that. Can you Imagine standing within 20 feet of a T-Rex, or a huge Brachiosaurus. WOW ! That would be exciting to say the least and a whole lot more fun than believing they were extinct before we arrived. The Bible say's that Dinosaurs and Man were created on the same day and that ALL the Animals ate Grass and Herbs. ( Genisis 1 : 24 - 27 ) This was done on The Sixth Day. We also find that man did not start eating meat untill after the Flood of Noah and that is when the animals started being afraid of man. ( Genisis 9 : 2 - 6 )
Lets take a look at what we know about the World before the Flood, when DINOSAURS and MAN roamed the Land.
"And God said, let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his kind, Cattle, and creeping thing, and the Beast of the Earth after his kind: and it was so. ---- And God said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: ----- In the Image of God Male and Female were Created. ----- And God Blessed them, ---- And God said, I have given you every herb bearing seed, and every tree, in which is the fruit of every tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. ----- And to every Beast of the Earth, and every Fowl of the air, and every creeping thing, I have given every Green herb for meat: ----- And the Evening and the Morning were the Sixth Day. "
( Genisis 1 : 24 thru 31 )
Well the Bible certainly tells us that
we lived together and believe it or not, if you go to a town in
central Texas called Glen Rose,
you can see Dinosaur tracks
everywhere in the Biloxy River.
And wouldn't you know it, A man's Footprints
right in among the dino's. One set of Footprints was made with
moccasins on. You can even make out the stitching on the sides of
the moccasin. Now I am sure there are those that will say the
prints were made by a different kind of dino that we don't know
about yet. Be that as it may, The prints are there and I think
the Bible is right. You can find a lot more information on the
How old is the Earth anyway? That is a good Question. If you calculate all the dates given in the Bible you will discover that it is about 6000 years old. The evolutionists think it is billions of years old. So which one is right? Lets look at some of the evidence and find out.
According to the Bible, God created everything in Six Literal Days about 6000 years ago, the Flood in Noah's day was about 4400 years ago, the Exodus of Israel with Moses was about 3500 years ago, and Jesus Christ was here about 2000 years ago.
Evolution states that billions of years ago all the matter in the Universe was no larger than a dot on this page, and it was spinning very fast. It exploded creating the planets and stars. And over millions of years after the planet cooled off, it rained on the Rocks and started the process of life which evolved slowly into what we see today. That is saying, you came from a Rock. They claim Dinosaurs existed hundreds of millions of years ago and Man evolved eventually from a monkey, millions of years ago.
1 - The Earths population is about 6 Billion people. Using the calculated and scientific data on birth rates and factoring in wars, diseases, disasters, etc, you can easily arrive at 6 Billion people today from four couples, ( Noah's Family ) coming off the Ark after the Flood 4400 years ago. It is impossible to calculate millions of years because the population would be so thick that we would be standing shoulder to shoulder everywhere, and 300 feet high. The population curve shows the numbers. We know there were about 250 Million people about the Time of Christ, and we know the rate of growth from there. We also believe that Noah took Dinosaurs on the Ark because artifacts and paintings from ancient cultures show them and man together. Cave Drawings, The Ica Stones and so on. You might ask, How did Noah get big Dino's on the ark? Maybe He took them as Babies. I think most of the animals on the ark were Babies for a lot of obvious reasons. Think about it.
2 - We know that the moon is slowly moving away from Earth. That means that it used to be closer. It causes the ocean tides to rise and fall. If you factor the distance rate over 6000 years it is no big deal. But over Billions or even millions of years, you have a big problem. the Inverse Square Law says if the distance between two objects is reduced by 1/2, the attraction is quadrupled, to 1/3 it would be 9 times greater. Nothing could survive the overwhelming tides just for starters. The moon would be so close to the earth the gravitational pull would throw everything out of orbit. It simply could not work. Based on the rate the moon is moving away, Walt Brown said in his book ( In the Beginning ) that the moon would be touching the Earth at 1.2 Billion years.
3 - The earth is gradually slowing down in it's rotation. This is why time is adjusted by what is called Leap Seconds. Every year to a year and a half we have to add one second. That means it used to spin faster. It has little effect over 6000 years but hundreds of millions of years create a big problem. It would be spinning so fast that the winds generated on the surface by the Coriolis Effect would be about 5000 miles per hour. The days and nights would be separated by only moments. Nothing could exist under these conditions. There is no way possible for Dinosuars, Man or even plants to live that long ago.
4 - The Cosmic Dust data collected from high altitude balloons prior to building the luner lander that would be used on the first Moon mission, said that if the universe was billions of years old, the dust would be very deep, and the lander would sink. So NASA spent millions of dollars developing large landing pads and a short ladder on the lander. But when they landed on the Moon the Dust was only a few inches deep, indicating the moon was young, not billions of years old. The ladder did not reach the surface so the men had to jump off the leg of the lander to walk on the Moon. Interesting miscalculation. If they had believed the Bible they could have saved a lot of time and money.
5 - The Second Law of Thermodynamics shows that everything tends toward disorder and destruction. This is a scientific fact and the exact opposite of evolution. There is no evidence at all for evolution. The evolutionist believe if you apply energy to matter it will evolve, (the basic thought behind the Big Bang theory. ) Well, a lot of energy was applied to Pearl Harbor in the 1940's and nothing good evolved, and we applied an awful amount of energy to Hiroshima, and nothing good evolved there either. It was destroyed. Also our own Sun is destructive. It will destroy the roof and the paint on your house, on your car, or anything else left exposed to it. In fact almost everyone has a job because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We are always making new parts for things, always repairing everything like Highways, Houses, and Cars. We are always buying new things to replace the worn out things. Compare evolution to this Example: If you create an explosion in the middle of a Junk Yard and wait a thousand years, what would you find? A new Caddilac, or evidence of rust deposits in the soil?
6 - Super Nova's occur every 20 to 30 years. A super nova is a star exploding and it leaves a ring. We see stars dying but no one has ever saw a star forming. This is the opposite of evolution. There are about 300 Super Nova Rings. If the Universe is billions of years old, then why are there not hundreds of millions of super nova rings? By the way; Do you know what Universe means? UNI = Single , and VERSE = Spoken Sentence.
( God said; Let there be--- )
7 - The Conservation of Angular Momentum shows that if a spinning object comes apart, the pieces will spin in the same direction as the original object. So if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why are 3 of our planets rotating backwards to the others? Why are 6 of the moons spinning backwards and also orbiting their planets backward? I have a theory about that. I believe God did it that way to make the big bang look stupid. The Bible say's ;
" The Heavens declare the Glory of God "
( Psalm 19 : 1 )
Evidence of the Flood
8 - The Sahara Desert in Africa is growing at a rate of about 4 miles a year because of the prevailing winds in that region. It is called Desertification. The Desert is about 4000 years old. If the earth has been here for billions of years, the why isn't the desert bigger or older? I believe the desert did not start growing until after the Flood of Noah, about 4400 years ago. Also the oldest tree is called the Methuselah Tree and is estimated to be about 4300 years old. The Great Barrier Reef is said to be 4200 years old. These things began after the flood. That makes a strong case for the Historical Truth of the Bible.
9 - The Grand Canyon is being taught that it took millions of years to form by the small river in the bottom of the Canyon. But if that is true, that would mean that water runs uphill. The last time I looked, it always runs downhill, right? If you are wondering what I am talking about, Check this out. The highest point, the snow line, at the Canyon is about 7000 to 8000 feet above sea level and the river at that point is about 1800 feet above sea level. Thats more than a one mile drop from the top to the bottom. So whats the problem? The problem is , the river did not make the Grand Canyon because where the river enters the canyon from the basin is only 2800 feet above sea level. It is impossible for that river to have carved out the canyon starting at 8000 feet. So how did it get there?
When you see the Canyon from a high altitude, you can see what is called the Kiabab Uplift. In the winter , you can see the Snow Line on the uplift and the Canyon is cut right through it leaving the snow line on both sides. It appears to have been like a huge Dam in front of the large basin behind it. It stands to reason that the left behind water from the Flood started cutting through the uplift and in a matter of a very short time, gushed through the land, carving the Canyon very quickly. The sediment rock walls we see today, were still reasonably soft from the Flood when the Dam broke. You can easily create a miniature Canyon yourself. Just build a small dam, fill the pool behind it, wet the ground in front of it to soften the dirt. After the water has soaked in, Make a small indention in the middle of your dam to let the water start going over and you will see how the Grand Canyon formed, only on a huge scale. Anyway, when you see the Canyon and and the wonder of it's size, Just remember you are seeing the results of part of God's Judgement on the earth from the Flood.
10 - From Ape to Man is a Lie and even though the evolution of Man is still being taught in our schools, Most of the ape like men have been proven to be a Fraud. In 1922 in Nebraska, a single tooth was found and from that one tooth, Nebraska Man came to be. How did they figure out what he looked like from one tooth, especially since the tooth turned out to be from a PIG. Hoax # 2 is Piltdown Man. In Piltdown England they found a human skull and put an ape jaw bone with it and called it Piltdown Man. Hoax # 3 is Lucy. In 1974, A small skeleton was found, About 40 % and it was estimated to have been 3' tall. It had an angled Femur similar to a human Femur. So it was called a missing Link. Only one problem with that. Tree climbing Monkeys also have angled Femurs. Hoax # 4 began in Peking China when some monkey skeletons were found with some tools in a cave. The skulls had been crushed. It was assumed that the monkeys were making and using the tools and so Peking Man was dreamed up. What they did not tell was they had also found 10 Human skeletons in the area. I know that in some areas of the world, Monkey brains are a delicacy. You don't think that maybe,----- Hoax # 5 Homo-Erectus or Java Man was said to be 500,000 years old. He was put together by using a few scraps of bone. It turns out they used an apes skull cap, three human teeth, and a human thigh bone to create Java Man. It was also discovered that two other human skulls were found only 50' away. Lie # 6 is about the Neanderthal skeletons found 1856. This Race of Humans probably lived to be 300 to 400 years old just like the Bible says after the flood, explaining the larger fore heads and eye brows. The lie is believing they are a missing link or a part of man evolving from an ape. The first skeleton found was bent over making it look like he was evolving up from an ape. It was proven later in 1950 that the man had arthritis and was going down, not coming up. The Neanderthals were not much different than the Natives of Australia, which were also considered to be missing links at one time. Remember the movie, Quigly Down Under? There is a lot of truth to that story. That brings us to modern man: Homo-Sapien Sapien. I am not sure why they had to say sapien twice but they did. It is interesting to know that Sapien means Wise. So they are saying : Man - Wise Wise.
I think God said it best and hit it right on the nose. The Bible Says :
" Professing themselves to be Wise, they became Fools "
( Romans 1 : 22 )
Those who believe we came from monkeys and do not believe in God; are FOOLS
11 - Frozen Mammoths found Standing Up with Tropical Plants in their Mouths and in their stomachs. How did they Freeze fast enough to preserve the plants in their stomachs? What happened to the Mammoths? I believe the Flood explains it all. All of the world was covered with water, but part of it was with ice, which is technically water. Read Genisis 1 : 6 - 7. Not only that but Tropical Palm Leaves have been found in the Antartica which is even more evidence. So Tropical Forests were at one time all over the world. The world before the Flood was filled with forests just like the Bible say's and the Dinosaurs helped keep it in order. It must have been truly a wonderful place to behold. But that world ended suddenly and was definitely changed. But the Great thing is, the Lord said he is coming back and he will fix it back like he created it in the first place. And everyone who knows him will get to live with him here, Maybe with Dinosuars as a pets. How much fun would that be?
We have only scratched the surface of all the evidence that points to our Creator. There are a lot more facts and subjects that we did not cover, but I believe you can see that evolution is a fairy tale to say the least. GOD deserves all the Glory and Credit for creating the Universe and all the Magnificent Creatures Past and Present. HELP us share the Word. Use this in Sunday School or Conversations at Work. If you have any questions, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. Great material on these subjects is available everywhere. Just type in Key words and I am sure you will be overwhelmed. But it is very interesting and educational and will keep you busy. It is the belief of this Ministry that We NEED TO START TEACHING OUR CHILDREN THE TRUTH and stop all the LIES. If I can help, Let me know as I love these subjects and they are the center of the Ministry's Seminars.
By presenting the Truth about the Creation that God made, It is our hope that you can understand how important it is to Know Him Personally as your Savior. We can see the evidence of his Judgement by the world we live in today. And we also know he meant it when he said he will judge it again. If you don't know the Lord Jesus personally, Then now is the time to do so before it is too late. Please read the other subjects like, The Rapture and Salvation, and contact us if I can help more. Please don't wait. Time is drawing short.
God Loves You
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