Part 3

( Part 1 )  ( Part 2 )

Mans way Leads to a hopeless end;

Gods way Leads to Endless Hope.


Part 3

Pro Life - Pro Choice

Part 1 and Part 2 of this article have dealt with Life and Death Choices that many people are making all around the world. And that both Boys and Girls, and Men and Women, are involved in these decisions. It takes two to make the Baby and two decide whether the baby Lives or Dies. Many times the Boyfriend or Husband is the One driving the car to the abortion clinic. But you know, We are all Guilty in the Eyes of the Lord, when we allow such a tragic thing to become Legal in this country or even the world. We have only presented a small portion of the huge debate that rages on about the subject. But what you have seen is the core of what it is all about. This Ministry STANDS for Life, and we believe the CHOICE is clear. The Bible say's it very well when God told Moses;

" I have set before you Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing: Therefore Choose Life, that both you and your Seed may Live. " Deuteronomy 30 : 19

We should all be Pro - Choice FOR Pro - Life and stop the slaughtering of these innocent Babies because of the Selfish , Lustful , and Inconsiderate Desires of Men and Women, who fall captive to the self centered world we live in. But this tragic cycle can be broken, if more people know the Truth, and then take a stand for the Truth, and by sharing God's Love with everyone they can. God said; " If my people which are called by my Name would Humble themselves and Pray, and Seek my Face, and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from Heaven, and Forgive their Sins, and will Heal their Land. " 2nd Chronicles 7 : 14

There are a lot of Lies being told to the people of the world and we all need to start exposing them. Lies like; Abortion is O.K., because it's just a blob of tissue and it is'nt a Baby yet; ( We have shown that statement is not True. ) Abortion is O.K., because the Mothers Life is in Danger. ( Very Rare and does not Justify killing 46 Million Babies. And the A.M.A. say's that Partial Birth Abortion has nothing to do with saving the Mothers life, because the Baby is actually born anyway. ) Abortion is O.K., because tens of thousands of women would have them performed in alleyways and by unprofessionals using coat hangers, and getting infections that could kill them. ( Very Few women did it in the 70s, and Very Few would do it today, if they were told the truth over T.V. and Newspapers. They might even begin to see that what God say's about Sex between a Man and a Woman is Sacred in Marriage and Life is Sacred. It is all in Education and Knowing the Truth. ) These are a few of the excuses being used to support Abortion, but the Fact remains.

Someone is making Mistakes, and Someone is Dying;

THAT is the TRUTH!

The Information about this subject is everywhere, for and against. We have shared our position on this and we hope you agree with it. We truly believe it is also God's position. We are not taking any side of mans way of thinking, Political or whatever. We take the side of The Almighty God who's Holy Word has proclaimed the TRUTH to all mankind. It really is about choice and we hope you have made the RIGHT CHOICE. It is our Prayer that all who read this article are deeply moved in their heart and have a strong desire to draw near to the source of all Truth, The God of all Creation- Great and Small. ( see Salvation )

Jesus said;

" I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes unto the Father, but by Me."

( John 14 : 6 )


All Praise - Honor - and Glory be to your Name, Oh GOD;

Forever and Ever


( Part 1) ( Part 2 )

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